ALL SAINTS’ Disabled Lavatory Project

We are raising funds for a disabled lavatory to be installed on the ground level behind the Church.

All Saints’ is more than a place of worship. The church supports the community through events held by the church and by third parties, which all bring many people to our church. For example, we host youth programs on site, community building activities are organized throughout the month, and we invite people to experience a welcoming environment through activities, such as our Pranzo di Natale.

Currently our community treks up four flights of stairs to use the lavatory on the premises. The lack of an easily accessible lavatory deters some members of our community with mobility impairment from coming to church, and others too, whom we would also wish to welcome.  As we strive to be inclusive, the Church Council has identified this project for fundraising to accommodate the needs of many people attending our church, while enhancing the church premises at the same time.

This project proposes to build the disabled lavatory on the ground level, providing accessibility to all visiting our church. To build the necessary facility and complete the related works to allow the construction to happen will require approximately €48.000, at least half of which we are looking to raise through donations and fundraising activities.

Since we committed to this project in April 2023, we are delighted to report that as of February 2024 we have passed the 50% mark!

In addition to strategic budgeting within the church, people and groups are supporting this effort in a very big way. Singers, organized performances, a sponsored walk, and individual donations are all adding up! Grazie mille!

Please consider contributing to help us get to the goal. The most beneficial way you can support this All Saints’ project is through regular donations to this project, as outlined below.  If your circumstances change, you can amend your regular donations at any time. One-off donations are also gratefully received.

Donations can be made by:

  1. Debit or credit card through our simple e-Giving page found here:

2. Bonifico to All Saints’ Anglican Church in Milan using the IBAN: IT31M0200801611000100949889 with the causale: “Disabled Lavatory Project”.

3. Through this QR code:

Thank you all for the support you give to All Saints’ Milan.

Gillian Hope, Project Team Leader

NOTE: In the unlikely event the project fails, donations raised will be used in support of the Church’s general activities.