Music and Choir

All Saints’ has a long tradition of musical expression and singing remains at the heart of our worship. As St. Augustine said, “For he who sings praise, does not only praise, but also praises joyfully; he who sings praise, not only sings, but also loves Him for whom he is singing.

The choir meets once a week on Friday from 6:30 to 8:30pm to practice the hymns set for Sunday and to prepare anthems that are sung during the liturgy, and performed with our organ.

What we sing very much depends on the existing composition of the choir, which varies from year to year. Some of our members have been singing in the choir for most of their lives. Others who are doing a short-term stay in Milan – such as university students- sing with us for a few months.

Anyone who is interested in traditional Anglican music will receive a very warm welcome. In addition to the spiritual enrichment of singing sacred music, we welcome and encourage other musical talents you might offer, such as playing instruments or curating musical material to add to our expression of worship.

Participation is welcome for the bigger events that take place during the year, such as: Harvest Festival, Remembrance Sunday, the Christmas Carol Service, Evensong in Christian Unity Week, Palm Sunday and Easter.

If you would like to receive further details about our music programme, please contact the Chaplain at